Belgisch Kampioenschap Arabische Paarden Nieuws

International and National Performance Classes:

Baps npo is organizing during the National show an International Sport Event, OPEN to all horses registered in a WAHO recognized Studbook.

The Belgian participants with a Baps registered horse owned by a Belgian resident or citizen will compete for the Belgian National Title. Two separate prize giving ceremonies will take place.

The following disciplines will be organized at Three levels, Junior Horse( 4-5yrs), Novice and Advanced:

-Hunter Pleasure

-Western Pleasure

-Classic Pleasure

– Ridden Trail

-In-hand Trail

Classes will be organized with minimum three participants. Depending on registrations, the organizer may mix classes within the Green book frame.

The same classes are on offer for Part-arabians registered in BAPS or other recognized studbook, with the same conditions, and under the same rules (minimum three participants,….)

Belgian National Championship Show 2024:

BAPS npo is organizing in a world renowned  location, Azelhof  in Lier, the 2024 National Show. It will take place indoor.

For any other query please send a mail to the SB secretary (, that will forward it to the organizing team.


!! Halter Classes are open to horses of owners with a Belgian ID, or Belgian official residency.

!! For Junior Classes, Horses must be born and registered in Baps, on the last day of inscription to this show.

!! For Senior Classes, the horse must have been registered for minimum three year in Baps at inscription to the show.

!! Horses will be judged following 6 criteria, Head and Neck will be separated.

!! There will be a Liberty Class again.

!! Nationals champions may not compete in the Nationals for the next two calendar years.

!! Foal classes are held following the ECAHO blue book rules 2024

 ECAHO prize money will be allocated for Belgian National Championships in Halter 

Following ECAHO  Blue Book 



 We are looking forward to hosting you and your performance horses in Azelhof and wish you all good luck for your training and on the Showgrounds,


The Board of BAPSnpo